“Solo hay un camino entre la persona que eres y la que quieres ser”. Análisis de un curso de imagen bajo la óptica de El baile de los solteros

  • Lorena N. Schiava D´Albano
Keywords: Habitus; corporal Hexis; image consulting; person


In this article I study from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s work “The peasants and their body”, my participation as a student in a course of Public and Private Image. From the concepts of Habitus and corporal Hexis I analyze the knowledge that is transmitted in the course not only as specialized information on the subject but as it transforms us, the students. First of all I describe Bourdieu’s work, my experience as a student in the center, the course and my classmates. Then I focus on describing the classes and their dynamics. Finally, I explain, from the concepts of Bourdieu, how and why classes can be thought of as a space where, in addition to providing information, new aspirations and desires are built. Where they teach us to look at another, but not in any way but one that is in solidarity with a social and cultural context where that look makes sense.


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How to Cite
Schiava D´Albano L. N. (2020). “Solo hay un camino entre la persona que eres y la que quieres ser”. Análisis de un curso de imagen bajo la óptica de El baile de los solteros. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (88). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi88.3798