La lucha por la legitimidad. Estudio del campo profesional del Diseño Industrial a la luz de la teoría de Pierre Bourdieu

  • María Eugenia Correa
Keywords: Industrial design; Field; Labor insertion; Work trajectories; Professional development


In Bourdieu’s terms, those who participate in the field, compete for the (symbolic) appropriation of the object, for the scope of a specific authority, and for recognition, making use of one’s capital to become “dominant” actors and hold thus this authority, recognized as legitimate. This can be seen when studying the professional field of Industrial Design, where the articulation of actors in play –both already installed and new entrants– involves the struggle for the appropriation of capital: economic, symbolic (prestige, recognition), cultural or educational, generating in turn new positions in the professional space. In this way, it is interesting to investigate in the present work, the constitution of this field in the light of the Bourdean theory, with the purpose of understanding the work trajectories of the designers, their practices, as well as the relations given to the interior of this, the oriented fights in order to reach the disputed enjeux.


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How to Cite
Correa, M. E. (2020). La lucha por la legitimidad. Estudio del campo profesional del Diseño Industrial a la luz de la teoría de Pierre Bourdieu . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (88).