El camino de la heroína, el arquetipo femenino universal para un nuevo paradigma.

  • Gabriel Los Santos
  • Tomás Stiegwardt
Keywords: Heroine ; woman ; gender roles ; narrative ; archetype ; paradigm ; empowerment ; feminine ; map ; territory


In the narrative territory, the fable has been established from a male conception since the foundational times of culture. Nevertheless, strong female characters (heroines) have existed from Aristófanes (Lysistrata) to the present day; Joan of Arc, the Celtic Queen Boudicca, Juana Azurduy (Argentine historical character); Mérida from “Brave”, Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Khalessi in Game of Thrones; female Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman; Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill, Trinity in Matrix, Rey the scavenger in Star Wars (who incarnates “The Force” and stands up to the Empire). Hundreds of examples exist where we can find a structural, aesthetic and ethical change which refresh narratives and their fables.

Women have advanced noticeably in every field in these past years thanks to the struggle of feminist movements. As a consequence of the permanent quest in search of their social role, and the evident failure of the patriarchal system, cracks in the social structure are appearing. The transformation powered by the Women’s movements traverse the core structure of our society, making itself evident in different aspects of culture, in its more ample definition. The emergence of a new female character -a restricted role model before now- challenges the existing archetypical structures and promises changes towards a new, wider, more inclusive and diverse narrative.

In the present day, empowered women’s participation in all social strata is on the rise. This is true for the social, material world and is also observable in the cultural mirror through diverse artistic productions; narrative in film and television, literature, mass media and digital platforms.

A democratization process of information, aesthetic and argumentative criteria appears to inaugurate -at a slow but steady pace- a new figurative view of the world. One of the more present, recognizable and active forms is the audiovisual account in which new archetypes of heroic characters, with intrinsically feminine attributes conquer the stories, the audience and box office.

If for humanity storytelling has been founding of its own culture, the change in form, manner and point of view, -thus a transformation in the way we narrate- changes the historical conception and cosmovision of the world. The new fable shall not be the like the on before it, neither will it be like its opposite: it shall be a completely different conception, transversal, multidimensional, inclusive and creative.

This projects aims to breach dominant ways of thinking and generate a new map in the narrative territory towards the discovery of new worlds.


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How to Cite
Los Santos, G., & Stiegwardt, T. (2020). El camino de la heroína, el arquetipo femenino universal para un nuevo paradigma. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (91). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi91.3814

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