La división arte/artesanía y su relación con la construcción de una historia del diseño

  • María Laura Garrido
Keywords: History of design; art; craftsmanship; image; writing


The present work will try to review the possible origins of the division between art and crafts, with the aim of detecting indicators that allow us to build a "design history" in the future. This construction will need to go through the facts of history in a different way to separate from the canonical discourses that, at the moment, characterize what we know as the genesis of this discipline. This observation shares the point of view pointed out by Timothy Duckrey (2006) that "History is after all, not the mere accumulation of facts but an active revisionism, a necessary corrective discourse and, fundamentally, an act of interrogation not so much of the facts but of what has been done aside, the forgotten, the overlooked." (p. 8, own translation). From this perspective, a critical observation will be made about the historical process of the evolution of visual communication in order to reveal other ways of glimpsing the beginning of the design activity using writing as a reference model to understand the definition of your field.


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How to Cite
Garrido, M. L. (2020). La división arte/artesanía y su relación con la construcción de una historia del diseño . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (90).