Heroínas feministas en la historieta. Género, memoria y disidencia sexual en Dora de Minaverry

  • Facundo Saxe
Keywords: comic ; gender ; sexual dissidence ; feminisms ; Dora ; Minaverry ; memory ; identity ; recent comic ; Argentina


This paper deals with the emergence of protagonists / heroines in the recent argentin comic, in particular the case of Dora, create by Ignacio Minaverry and that counts until 2018 with three volumes in circulation. In this paper, this saga will be analyzed as part of a constellation of protagonic appearances by sex-dissident women in the recent argentin comic, wich is different from the position occupied by female characters in other times in the comic. In that sense, the character of Dora could be seen as part of a production of heroines of the 21st century in the argentine comic industrie. Unlike female protagonists of the heterosexist male tradition, the Dora's comic is produced from a feminist sex-gender perspective. Dora is a character who constructs a different way for the traditional and heteropatriarchal argentin comic, she is a heroine of feminist times and whose adventures deals with gender issues. In this context, the comic crosses the reflection of a sex-gender perspective with the memory and iconic themes of the comic strip, such as the spy comic or the approach to the traumatic past. Dora is part of a generation that shows other possibilities for the argentine comic, so the appearance of characters like Dora could imply a change in the horizon of Argentine historical stories. Topics such as affection outside the heteronorm, sexual dissidence, abortion, identity, friendship, the place of women in history, among others, are part of the adventures of Dora in these three volumes.


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How to Cite
Saxe, F. (2020). Heroínas feministas en la historieta. Género, memoria y disidencia sexual en Dora de Minaverry . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (91). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi91.3821