Relaciones de complejidad e identidad entre artesanía y diseño

  • Marco Antonio Sandoval Valle
Keywords: design and culture; design and objectuality; design and crafts


In certain situations, the plastic arts, crafts and design have narrowed their activities to form relationships with different scopes; At the moment, the fading of its borders has gained strength to denote mixed phenomena in the conception of the value of use, the exchange value and the symbolic value of the resulting objects. This writing begins conceptualizing these disciplines in the current context and recognizes the plurality of the manifestations, to later base their tasks as elementary in the construction of the material and cultural life of their society. Reflections are made from a social perspective on the validity of their activities through the object expressions that actively participate in the daily life as proctors of identity in the life of human beings, being artifacts elaborated, identified, used, desired and interpreted; carriers of stories, agents builders of experiences in reality. Through a critical analysis of the interrelationships where craft and design participate, it reveals a subtle and complex correspondence to its social and cultural edge, which highlights the conceptual and practical scope of traditional knowledge of craftsmanship, in relation to to the procurement of design sense.


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How to Cite
Sandoval Valle, M. A. (2020). Relaciones de complejidad e identidad entre artesanía y diseño . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (90).