Visibilización y ocultamiento de la imagen de la arquitectura contemporánea. Introducción a la crítica de la relación branding y arquitectura

  • Pablo Andrés Gómez Granda
  • Fernando Marroquín Ciendúa
Keywords: Architecture ; contemporary ; image ; simulation ; assisted design


This article explores different modes of the image of contemporary architecture, in its physical concretions at space when they are modeled at 3D and at the computer simulation-assisted design −, through which architecture is designed and communicated. In these modes, the image makes visible as it hides, in fact, sometimes it hides in terms of appearance, updating in this way a long tradition of art and classic image which also contains important business strategies with links, publicity and own branding marketing. In consequence, and critically, as well as exploring the processes of visibility and hiddenness, the article concludes studying the incidence of these at the experience of the user and consumer of these images.


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How to Cite
Gómez Granda, P. A., & Marroquín Ciendúa, F. (2020). Visibilización y ocultamiento de la imagen de la arquitectura contemporánea. Introducción a la crítica de la relación branding y arquitectura . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (93).