Mostrando y ocultando Nueva York: cine, cultura y realidad en los dorados veinte

  • Alberto Lena
Keywords: John Dos Passos; Paul Fejos ; F.S. Fitzgerald; Harold Lloyd ; King Vidor


Through the analysis King Vidor’s The Crowd, Ted Wilde’s Speedy, Paul Fejos’ Lonesome, all of then shot in New York, this work explores the emergency of that city as a paradigm of modern metropolis in the 1920s. In particular, this study seeks to cast light on how the classical Hollywood narrative faced the challenges stemming from the modern metropolis celebrating the power of the average individual against a context dominated by mass culture.


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How to Cite
Lena, A. (2020). Mostrando y ocultando Nueva York: cine, cultura y realidad en los dorados veinte. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (93).