Fragmentos de la Memoria. Memoria urbana de la Carrera Séptima entre 1950 y 1970 contada a través de fotografías de álbum de familia y narraciones de sus habitantes

  • Johanna E. Zárate Hernández
Keywords: Memory ; visibility ; space


The memory can be seen as a way of becoming aware of itself or as a form of inheritance that leaves a generation to those who succeed. This research is a visual journey through the concepts of memory and forgetfulness. The memory is constituted by a high sensible load, that feeds on the individual memories of the subjects and that, when being annexed to the colectivity, it becomes visible, so that it can be turned into a form of expression of the urban memory of a group and, in this way, load of meaning the moments of the existential space experience by the subject. The question on which this research is constructed focuses on the way in which the urban memory of the Carrera Séptima de Bogotá between 1950 and 1970 can be reconstructed through the analysis of photographs taken from family albums and stories of its inhabitants. This research acquires power as a document insofar as the subjects who access it, perceive it as a concretion of the experience of the existential space of the citizen of the epoch in question, loading the narrations and the images gathered here of symbolism, in their own lived experience.


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How to Cite
Zárate Hernández, J. E. (2020). Fragmentos de la Memoria. Memoria urbana de la Carrera Séptima entre 1950 y 1970 contada a través de fotografías de álbum de familia y narraciones de sus habitantes. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (93).