Sobre-vivir. Fichas salitreras en el archivo de Edgardo Antonio Vigo. Redes de arte correo e intercambios trasandinos: algunas notas sobre la relación entre Eduardo Antonio Vigo y Eduardo Díaz Espinoza
From the work of collection of data and classification of letters belonging to the archives of the Argentinean artist Edgardo Antonio Vigo, this article proposes to reconstitute a dimension of the dialog initiated with the poet and editor born in Antofagasta Eduardo Díaz Espinoza. This epistolary exchange was one of the most profuse between E. A. Vigo and Chilean artists –it is the second in density, after that held with the poet Guillermo Deisler–, during a period that crosses the bloodiest years of the Argentine and Chilean dictatorships. The text aims to examine how mail art activated various communication strategies and international solidarity networks, which subverted silencing in contexts of social suffocation, censorship and repression, while at the same time building spaces of exchange and emotional support among its members. In this sense, it raises how both artists, traversed biographically and familiarly by acts of torture, detention and enforced disappearance, achieved the implementation of a mutual postal support, which narrated, situationally and with a minimum latency, the events of the present. Through a review of calls and actions gestated in collaboration, we will address the study of the specificities of art and political networks spread on both sides of the Andes.
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