Esa extraña cosa llamada tiempo

  • Cintia Rogovsky
Keywords: Time; Memory; Subjectivities; Communication; Art


What does it mean to be contemporaries of something? Why do grammars, artistic, school and literary discourses organize and organize in a certain way in front of the problem of time and memory: their conception, their impact on subjectivities? Is time a scarce, linear, ephemeral good, like a commodity? This text does not propose closed answers to any of these questions, on the contrary, it rehearses some reflective journeys and rescues fragments to travel through the territory of time in which modernity defeated sacred archetypal time, and imposed a way of conceiving and teaching the value of linear and historical time as the only possible story and its current transformations. At the same time, he proposes some conceptualizations from historical science and from literature and other artistic disciplines to think about the theme of time in contemporaneity, in a world inhabited by communication devices in constant transformation.


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How to Cite
Rogovsky, C. (2020). Esa extraña cosa llamada tiempo . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (92).