Pervasive, Intelligent Materiality for Smart Interactivity

  • Massimo Micocci
  • Gabriella Spinelli
Keywords: Smart Materials; Users’ behaviour; Advanced interactions; Human Agent


The advance of R&D allows products to be “smart”, meaning capable of understanding how to react to users’ behaviour and their context of use. While this can contribute to engineer materials firmly centered on their performances, it also poses greater demands on understanding the behaviours and intentions pursued by human agents, so as to allow the degree of intelligence and interactions that materials can be equipped with. This paper investigates how pervasive, intelligent materiality can be deployed to make people interact with products in a more immediate and effective way, with the aim to design for Smart Interactivity. Based on a review of applied cases of Smart Materials (SMs), this paper proposes a stimulus-action system that bridges the users action possibilities with smart materials attributes.


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How to Cite
Micocci, M., & Spinelli, G. (2020). Pervasive, Intelligent Materiality for Smart Interactivity . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (94).