O impacto das cores na imagem pessoal e profissional

  • Luciana Ulrich
Keywords: Image consulting ; color psychology ; professional image ; personal image ; personal coloring method


Colors are the design elements that have the greatest impact on personal and professional image, since they participate in the communicational process of clothing. In this article, we will examine the process performed in the activity of image consulting for professional image curation, which consists of two stages: the first, a technical analysis of skin pigmentation; and the second, a subjective analysis, which should consider the personality of the individual, the degree of formality of his work environment and the psychology of colors, given that, as seen in social conventions of international scope, colors communicate different messages according to the variation of their tones. In this sense, the following authors will be presented: the authors who studied the colors and contributed to the formation of the theoretical reference of the personal coloring method mentioned above; the importance of colors for the creation of a professional image; and, finally, the presentation of the meaning of colors, according to international social conventions.


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How to Cite
Ulrich, L. (2020). O impacto das cores na imagem pessoal e profissional. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (97). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi97.3921