Cartografia audiovisual del disenso sexopolítico en la performance y el teatro latinoamericanos recientes

  • Ezequiel Lozano
Keywords: Documentary; Cinema; Theatre; Politic; Sexuality; archive


This paper intends to reflect on the emergence of a Latin American Documentary Cinema focused on giving visibility to sex-dissident theatrical and performance practices, as a catalog of a possible mutant archive. There are different ways of stressing the link between the theatrical proposal portrayed and the construction of a film record that leaves a trace, in the future, of that ephemeral event. These are parallel cinematographic and theatrical portraits that suggest reflections on current sexual politics and allow us to reread the links with the archive and the possibilities of recording the ephemeral. This deviated cartography traces a journey, at the same time, through the pillars of our hegemonic theatricalities to make visible its heterocentric, patriarchal, misogynistic and transphobic foundations.


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How to Cite
Lozano, E. (2020). Cartografia audiovisual del disenso sexopolítico en la performance y el teatro latinoamericanos recientes . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (96).