Videopoesía: un modo de expresión para pensar la realidad social

  • Anabella Speziale
Keywords: Audiovisual Design; Videopoetry; Mode of documentary representation; Social Reality


The genre of videopoetry originated at the end of the 1960s, but for several years, various audiovisual artists and designers have shown renewed interest in it, both in international and national contexts. Each videopoem is unique, and invites you to make more than one reading about it. However, it also has its own internal rules: the juxtaposition of poetic images, the use of the text in the audiovisual space / time and the audiovisual experience that it is proposed to build. Within this genre, different forms of expression are highlighted, which appeal to specific models of representation. This article will describe those works of the genre that involve a reflexive way to account for social reality. This typology of videopoems, which we will call here video-politics, adopts a situated view and finds a poetic mode of representation, recording and documentation of reality that invites reflection on the world represented there. These pieces of audiovisual design are a particular contribution to the collective memory of our contemporary society


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How to Cite
Speziale , A. (2020). Videopoesía: un modo de expresión para pensar la realidad social . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (96).