Imágenes arrebatadas, archivos inapropiables. Contratiempos de la vigilancia de la DIPBA sobre la instalación de una sala comunitaria por parte de la Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina

  • Julia Kratje
Keywords: Archive; visuality; gender; assembly; look; DIPBA; UMA


The objective of this article is to analyze a file of 1957 generated by the Directorate of Intelligence of the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires (DIPBA) on the Union of Women of Argentina (UMA), which contains photographs taken by agents of espionage , as well as confiscated photographs and images incorporated into press materials. The document informs about the activities developed by militants of the UMA in marginal neighborhoods of Greater Buenos Aires for the installation of a first aid room. From interdisciplinary approaches of Visual Studies, Feminist Theory and Discourse Analysis, the implications of the presumption of dangerousness that drives the elaboration of the archive by the police forces are investigated.


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How to Cite
Kratje, J. (2020). Imágenes arrebatadas, archivos inapropiables. Contratiempos de la vigilancia de la DIPBA sobre la instalación de una sala comunitaria por parte de la Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (96).