Game studies: apuntes para un estado de la cuestión

  • Diego Maté
Keywords: video game; play; game studies; ludology; narratology; art; politics; gamification


At the end of the 90's a series of scattered papers and books appears; in the new millennium they would come to shape the field of game studies. For the first time, play and videogame have a territory of their own where they can investigate specific problems for which new conceptual tools must be crafted. In this paper, four moments of the history of the field are reviewed: the first outlines; the controversy between ludology and narratology; the turn that implied the observation of the social practices in which the video game participates; and the restoration of studies about play. Finally, a brief overview on argentinian game studies will be made.


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How to Cite
Maté, D. (2020). Game studies: apuntes para un estado de la cuestión . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (98).