Videojuegos para la participación ciudadana

  • Euridice Cabañes
  • Nestor Jaimen
Keywords: Citizen participation; open data; public space; urban planning; videogames; technological sovereignty


Video games have shown in recent years that, beyond being leisure products, they have other dimensions: cultural, artistic, aesthetic, pedagogical, etc. In the present article we approach a potential use of video games that has only just begun to be explored, but which promises to be very relevant in shaping citizenship, both physical and digital. That is, how video games can contribute to citizen participation in public policies. We will situate the video games within the tendency to the technological sovereignty, contributing practical examples that allow to understand better the possibilities of video games for the citizen participation.


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How to Cite
Cabañes , E., & Jaimen, N. (2020). Videojuegos para la participación ciudadana. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (98).