La simbología del traje sastre femenino y el discurso de emancipación femenina

  • Yamila L. Moreira Bravo
Keywords: female tailor suit; clothing; female emancipation; female; male; fashion; significances of clothing; speech


This work is part of the studies of the history of fashion and the significances of clothing. A socio-historical survey of the symbology of the female tailor suit and its link with the female emancipation discourse will be made. On the one hand, the origin of the male tailor suit and its adoption in female silhouettes are briefly explained. On the other, the status of the symbolism of the female tailor suit is investigated in the current fashion contexts, analyzing the clothing that certain female celebrities used in their oral narratives about female emancipation. From these arguments, it is possible to reflect on the symbolic burden of the tailor suit from its beginnings to the present, considering the importance of the study and analysis of clothing to support political, economic and social ideologies. Also reflect on the current symbologies of clothing in the male and female gender.


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How to Cite
Moreira Bravo, Y. L. (2020). La simbología del traje sastre femenino y el discurso de emancipación femenina . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (100).