Tecnología 3D en el calzado. Artesanato y tradición

  • Paola Medina Matteazzi
Keywords: 3D; footwear; innovation; sneakers; technology; production; Ecology


Coming from an ancient tradition of artisans, footwear takes place in time at its own pace adapting to the socio-cultural environment that frames it. In this particular case, we will investigate the incidence that had, and has, the current 3D technology in footwear. Technology that revolutionized industrial activity, and that It did not go unnoticed by the shoemakers. Taking into account the artisan work that predominates in some footwear, we will evaluate how handicrafts coexist with 3D technologies, focusing on key aspects of the discipline. We will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of its inclusion, scope and future objectives to be achieved.


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How to Cite
Medina Matteazzi , P. (2020). Tecnología 3D en el calzado. Artesanato y tradición. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (100). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi100.4002