La serie web como formato incisivo. Un análisis narrativo de Gorda

  • Leonardo Murolo
  • Natalia Ader
Keywords: web series; audiovisual; format; narrative; fatphobia; stereotypes; violence - sexuality; technologies; urban experience


The Gorda web series appeals to a format that is typical of the new screens. From an incisive perspective, the story focuses on the beauty and gender stereotypes prevailing in the Argentine society. The main character is presented as an overweight woman who suffers various episodes of violence. Her image is made public through the viralization of a WhatsApp audio in which she exposes the injustices she suffers, while at the same time she is empowered by the support of a group of women. The goal of the present work is to analyze the series from the cultural studies perspective, focusing on its narrative and topics from the variables of youth, technologies, genders and sexualities, stereotypes and urban experiences.


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How to Cite
Murolo, L., & Ader, N. (2020). La serie web como formato incisivo. Un análisis narrativo de Gorda . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (108).