La gráfica popular, un referente de la identidad del diseño gráfico mexicano

  • Eduardo Galindo Flores
  • Mónica González Castañeda
  • Daniel Rodríguez Medina
Keywords: Popular graphic ; Culture ; Society ; Identity ; Mexican graphic design


The popular graphic is a communicational phenomenon that is generated in urban environments and represents the graphic imagination of a society as well as the essence of its culture. The analysis and study of the plastic and aesthetic elements that are part of the popular Mexican graphic are fundamental to understand the identity of the graphic design of this country. This research documents and analyzes the main graphic references that make up the broad universe of urban popular graphics, its actors, its needs and the sometimes involuntary contribution to a unique and differential aesthetic as a piece of a culture that identifies and distinguishes itself for its colors and the drama in its images to the rest of the other countries. This research is carried out based on the historical - logical and analytical - synthetic methods. Its characteristics, peculiarities and direct and indirect effects are shown in Mexican graphic design. The results of this research can help to build a historical and referential framework of the fundamental traits that gave rise to the current graphic design, as well as help to understand the context and needs that originated it and on which a large part of its identity rests.


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How to Cite
Galindo Flores, E., González Castañeda, M., & Rodríguez Medina, D. (2020). La gráfica popular, un referente de la identidad del diseño gráfico mexicano. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (101).