Agenda melding y teorías de la comunicación: la construcción de la imagen de los actores políticos en las redes sociales

  • Paulo Carlos López-López
  • Paloma Castro Martínez
  • Pablo Oñate
Keywords: political communication; agenda setting; agenda melding; social media; Latin America


The process of assigning attributes allows citizens to provide themselves with schemes to interpret topics, situations or actors who make the surrounding reality understandable. In this sense, the “image” we have about politicians stems mainly from the mediation carried out by the media, but also from the dialogue and the messages issued by the different protagonists of political communication on social media and that the community itself tends to assimilate and interpret. This paper reviews the theory of agenda melding and the need for orientation in the context of the digital society, where social media complement a hybrid ecosystem of information marked by the supremacy of television for the consumption of political information, with increasingly important platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


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How to Cite
López-López, P. C., Castro Martínez, P., & Oñate , P. (2020). Agenda melding y teorías de la comunicación: la construcción de la imagen de los actores políticos en las redes sociales . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (112).

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