El alcance de la gastronomía mexicana en otras fronteras a través del diseño gráfico por el medio de la Web

  • Amalia García Hernández
  • Irma Lucía Gutiérrez Cruz
  • Eva Guadalupe Osuna Ruiz
Keywords: Mexico ; Graphic Design ; Web ; Culture ; Borders


Gastronomy is “the culinary art”, where beyond the ingredients, techniques and methods of their recipes they bring with them the historical evolution and its cultural meaning of the region where the flavors, colors, ingredients, are something like the bond of being human with his diet. In Mexican culture is where we find a great variety of regional dishes that have been maintained over time, recipes from the pre-Hispanic era that are still in the town of Mexico, obviously with the passage of time modified, due to a lack of registration, but that does not mean that it loses its great cultural value, because on a global level we can hear about it. Imagine the scope of a food dish in its maximum digital graphic representation where through color, typography, shapes and photography and composition can be taken to different sites through the Internet, where thousands of people from all over the world world that surf the web, cross borders discovering the gastronomy of a region, taking with it not only the visual impact of the piece of design but showing the cultural richness of Mexico.


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How to Cite
García Hernández, A., Gutiérrez Cruz, I. L., & Osuna Ruiz, E. G. (2020). El alcance de la gastronomía mexicana en otras fronteras a través del diseño gráfico por el medio de la Web. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (101). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi101.4096