Imagen, política y género. Los retratos de Cristina Fernández y Mauricio Macri en las tapas de Noticias

  • Ana Aymá
Keywords: image; politics; multimodality; gender; Noticias; front pages


The article aims to study the different visual resources that are used in a corpus constituted by the front pages of Noticias magazine, establishing a comparative analysis from a gender perspective between front pages dedicated to the figure of Cristina Fernández and those dedicated to Mauricio Macri during their respective administrations. The results of this analysis show that, even when the visual treatment is, in principle, similar and it’s also possible to observe the repetition of resources for the two political figures representation, from the perspective of the constructed meanings it is evident the establishment of a differentiated lecture pact for each one. These differences can be understood by observing the reproduction of a repertory of gender stereotypes for each case.


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How to Cite
Aymá, A. (2020). Imagen, política y género. Los retratos de Cristina Fernández y Mauricio Macri en las tapas de Noticias . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (112).