Diseño de materiales: del Basic design al Material Driven Design

  • Jimena Alarcón
  • Flaviano Celaschi
  • Manuela Celi
Keywords: bionics; perceived quality; industrial design; methodology; sensoriality


This paper provides a vision regarding the design of materials as a theme of industrial design, generated from the influence of the Italian referent based on the design philosophy of Carmelo Di Bartolo. Its objective is to demonstrate the contributions of basic design linked to bionics, applied to the construction of a projective methodological approach of the observant industrial design of the materials that make up the artifices. Basic design is the method based on the observation of nature, from which designers extrapolate bionic principles towards the conception of the artificial world. The relevance is the ability to integrate contributions to the field of energy savings, material and an intrinsic commitment to the environment. Not because of having extensive economic, productive and technological resources, the creative process must be unlimited and excessive. Approaches are presented that are expressed in the integrative project process called Material Driven Design, which incorporates the concept of perceived quality to integrate functional and emotional aspects of materials. The conclusions are related to the considerations that the three aspects (Basic design, bionics, and Material Driven Design) contribute to the design process.


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How to Cite
Alarcón , J., Celaschi , F., & Celi , M. (2020). Diseño de materiales: del Basic design al Material Driven Design . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (114). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi114.4115