Emprender en negocios de la economía circular: el caso BYOS

  • Ariel Marcelo Katz
Keywords: Recycling; circular economy; entrepreneurship; environment


Undertaking recycling initiatives with a real impact is not so easy. Closing the loop to a circular economy business model carries additional complexity, but increases the potential for profitability and thus economic sustainability. It requires an operational and commercial structure, which is difficult for entrepreneurs to achieve. BYOS as a venture capital company created in 2016, works in the life cycle of vegetable oils. This article describes the itinerary realized, from the initial idea to the concretion of a circular economy business, with special emphasis on the role of the stakeholders involved. All of them fulfill several simultaneous roles in the circular economy process. From the fundamental role of the public sector, passing through consumers and citizens, erected, at the same time, as collaborators and auditors, to reaching the companies with whom they operate daily


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How to Cite
Katz, A. M. (2020). Emprender en negocios de la economía circular: el caso BYOS . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (114). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi114.4118