Materia y artificio en las tecnologías de impresión digital inkjet sobre madera

  • Manuel Lecuona López
Keywords: Inkjet technology ; Digital printing ; matter ; surfaces ; artifice ; natural


This text aims to demonstrate how Digital Printing Inkjet technologies are enabling the visual characteristics of surfaces of a different nature to rekindle the discussion between nature and artifice, because the artificial object is leaving transforming into nature as the basis of technological civilization. It seeks to distance himself from the treatment of matter as a result of the complex creative act that achieves something unique and unique. It aims to observe the creative work supported by Digital Printing Inkjet technologies, on human artifacts, objects and habitats. For this reason, it is available as an exploratory observation to obtain a judgement on the problem and as an introductory part of a descriptive study. This text is considered an exploratory research, because it seeks to know the relationship between matter and artifice, focused from the potential of Digital Printing Inkjet technology.


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How to Cite
Lecuona López, M. (2020). Materia y artificio en las tecnologías de impresión digital inkjet sobre madera. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (114).

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