Universidad y trabajo: alianza 5.0. Perspectivas y devenires desde el aula

  • Débora Irina Belmes
Keywords: university education ; jobs skills ; transmission of knowledge ; classroom ; faculty ; students


The aim of this paper is to share some reflections on the role of university education in connection with the socio-cultural context and the world of work. The 21st century presents a changing and convulsed scenario due to the new forms of capitalism, the changes in communications, the advances of technology in everyday life, the growing centrality of the urban territory, changes in consumption, and reconversions of all types in the world that have transformed the requirements and skills for jobs. The question about training is not naive. Education in Argentina has historically held a privileged position and, also has raised a series of debates and tensions. The current situation raises the question about the new challenges not only in terms of its contents but also in the ways in which its practices are implemented. This paper is focused on the following questions: what needs to be taught?, what can be thought about the transmission of knowledge?, who are the teachers and who are the students?, what are the proposals about the transformation of the classroom as a meeting space and what is the relationship with the future?


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How to Cite
Belmes, D. I. (2020). Universidad y trabajo: alianza 5.0. Perspectivas y devenires desde el aula. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (103). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi103.4125