“Ver para crear”. Bitácora atrapa ideas

  • Denisse Lizama
Keywords: Germination ; anxiety ; transference ; adaptability ; local ; make visible


The present article has the purpose of exposing the application of a complete Compass design process, and is a detailed and descriptive summary of the experience, focused in the reflection about how to generate efficient small innovations in the field of education to generate great changes that contribute to improving the lives of people with incalculable impacts on a global scale.


Bitácora Travesía San Ignacio de Huinay. Julio de 1994 a marzo de 1995. Varios Autores, Jaime Reyes San Ignacio de Huinay, Aysén.

Cruz, F. (2003). Construcción Formal. Ediciones Universidad de Valparaíso.

Mau, B. (2015). Manifiesto Incompleto para el crecimiento. Mr Marcel School. Compass

How to Cite
Lizama, D. (2020). “Ver para crear”. Bitácora atrapa ideas . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (103). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi103.4133