Os erros mais comuns cometidos pelos Consultores de Imagem na hora de aplicar um plano de Marketing no negócio

  • Fernanda Luchesi
Keywords: Marketing Plan; Digital Marketing; Image Consulting; Image Consultant; Marketing; Marketing and Sales


The purpose of this article is to inform Image Consultants what are the main elements that affect the positive, effective and agile performance of the Marketing plan in their business. In this article are indicated some paths to these challenges. There were years of studies in the area of Marketing and Communication, in addition to practical applications in the world of Image Consulting. Acquire information and knowledge through the results in business, from students and mentors, in addition to research. Focus on the most common mistakes in three pillars that will be called the Marketing Plan Triad. They are, lack of clarity, lack of organization and lack of skills. The market is in need of Image Consultants, and your mission to help people find and want your service, through Marketing.


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How to Cite
Luchesi , F. (2020). Os erros mais comuns cometidos pelos Consultores de Imagem na hora de aplicar um plano de Marketing no negócio . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (118). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi118.4150