Millenials x Comportamento: o Futuro das Relações

  • Rachel Jordan
Keywords: adequacy; communication; image; behavior; empathy; dress code; leadership; Generation Y; Millennials


Acclaimed as the generation that has been revolutionizing patterns of behavior around the world, Generation Y –also called Millennials– will be the target of analysis in this article. The explanation aims to show how the young people who give body and voice to the generation that grew up and formed in the so-called Digital Era are actively involved in the greatest transformation that humanity has ever experienced: the technological revolution. The behavioral analysis now proposed is based on image consulting and its pillars: appearance, communication and behavior. The main challenges imposed on corporate managers to understand, learn and share knowledge with these future leaders will be observed.


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How to Cite
Jordan , R. (2020). Millenials x Comportamento: o Futuro das Relações . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (118).