Sustentabilidad del patrimonio inmaterial, relevando el valor del territorio mediante redes colaborativas de diseño y manufactura
A clear opportunity for design to participate and enhance the value of intangible heritage has been, countless times, approached from the collaborative integration of artisanal production. Those who inhabit a given territory and have common interests, tend to enhance their development by grouping with others oriented to similar economic and social objectives. However, productivity levels demanded by the market are often incompatible with the reality of the craftsman and their limited, slow and hardly scalable production.
To fulfill these expectations, especially of persons, the craftsmanship and its territory try to build collaborative cultures of responsibility, which are easily accepted by a consumer aware and avid of local identity rooted in the territory. But it is precisely this value, of territory and its distances, what does not allow the development of the whole system, fragmenting the result and deepening the uprooting of identity.
Nevertheless, it is plausible that design builds and participates in models of collaborative networks distributed virtually in the territory, integrating digital manufacturing and Information Technology, without affecting the resulting craft, nor the capacity of adaptation, flexibility and independence of the craftsman, respecting the tradition of local and autonomous production.
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