Diseño, antropología y complejidad social: cocreación en el territorio, el caso Saber Hacer

  • Rodrigo Gajardo
  • Tamara Vicencio
Keywords: Design ; ethnography ; innovation ; co;creation ; community


The main objective was to give value to the life and work of the unknown Chilean painter of the late 19th Century Manuel Aspillaga Valenzuela (1870-1930), and disseminate the results through digital resources on a free access online platform.

In terms of content the project succeeds in placing the artist and his work within the national historic context landmark. Along with the above, the project seeks to provide access to the entire community to this unknown heritage through technology and design.

It is important, in addition, to describe the methodology of interdisciplinary work used for the realization of the objectives. The methodology enabled to achieve a systematic and deep research whose success is based on enhancing each of the disciplines involved in the investigation, execution, analysis and creation of pieces.

The Project was developed in three phases, Investigate the life and pictorial work of Manuel Aspillaga; identifying, registering and cataloguing the artist’s work; and, finally, to divulge the figure and work of Manuel Aspillaga Valenzuela. This study took place in Santiago, Chile during the course of a year.


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How to Cite
Gajardo, R., & Vicencio, T. (2020). Diseño, antropología y complejidad social: cocreación en el territorio, el caso Saber Hacer. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (103). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi103.4162