Flexibilidad y creatividad emprendedora en pos de la creación de negocios de impacto

  • Ariel Marcelo Katz
Keywords: Entrepreneurship ; Impact ; Flexibility ; Education ; Environment


Entrepreneurial activity can have a special importance regarding the attention of social and environmental problems, beyond the generation of economic benefits for those who decide to carry it out. Thanks to the flexibility and creativity that normally characterizes entrepreneurs, the business initiatives generated by them can achieve high levels of adaptation to impact needs in relatively short periods of time. The capacity and speed of action for the impact is mostly restricted for large companies, for different reasons. This doesn´t mean that it is an impossible achievement, but that it may take longer and should be carried out with a higher level of constraints than many entrepreneurial business models. College education has the potential to educate, motivate and mentor entrepreneurs who are willing to work for impact achievement, providing the needed tools and support for them to create disruptive solutions to common problems.


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How to Cite
Katz, A. M. (2020). Flexibilidad y creatividad emprendedora en pos de la creación de negocios de impacto. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (103). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi103.4165