Reflexiones acerca de la identidad, la ética y la memoria en el diseño gráfico

  • Omar Lezama Galindo
Keywords: Ethics; context; identity; language; memory


Verticality raises, from any perspective in order of identity, the dimension from which the individual's history and evolution are explained and responded to. This imperfect description outlines its belonging as an exercise in constant definition, based on synthetic memory when looking at the past and becomes expanded self-definition when it is referred to the present. It is in turn location and recognition, the descriptive scope of which will be given according to the vision of the collective imagination itself, projected into the future in the medium term. Identity and its closeness to ontology is closely followed by instinctive behaviors. Customs, tradition and morality are the structure to which the action criteria are circumscribed in individuals as a reaffirmation of who they are and how they understand and explain themselves. The recognition and sense of moral and ethical criteria ensure adequate guidelines according to the social group, result in inflection that allows the individual to redefine herself and act within the parameters of her culture or region in response to internal or external stimuli in her context. The validity of these behavioral criteria have their origin in the reflection and recognition or not of the rule, in the face of the objection that good represents evil, therefore it is necessary to take a position in a peculiar situation. This same chain of values and norms, applies as an example, in the perceptual field to determine what is best within that spectrum and design process, environment within which similar or related phenomena occur in different ways. The dialectic of this configuration of being, doing the right thing and properly recreating, entails links that involve emotions, philosophy, memory and learning, whose interaction and measurement lead to products that project an analogous identity trait.


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How to Cite
Lezama Galindo, O. (2020). Reflexiones acerca de la identidad, la ética y la memoria en el diseño gráfico . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (120).