Problematizar el Diseño para comprender su complejidad. 4º Proyecto de la Línea de Investigación Nº4 Diseño en Perspectiva (CMU-UP)

  • Daniela V. Di Bella
Keywords: Visions of Design ; Design for Transition ; Sustainability ; Eco;literacy ; Socio;technical Transitions ; Prospective ; Design Research ; Design Theory


This publication is the fourth Cuaderno of the Research Line No. 4 Design in Perspective, Design Scenarios, and belongs to Project No. 4 called Design Visions: Problematize Design to understand its complexity. Its continues the path of reflection and research of the Transition Design Program of Carnegie Mellon University, within the Master’s Degree in Design Management-UP (which this prestigious University develops at the Doctorate and Master’s level in the US), along with its publication actions joint and shared management, which opens a fourth period of study of the Experience implementation. The explorations developed in Visions of Design continues at (a) The Designer as agent of change (Cuaderno 80. Di Bella, 2018: 173-239) and (Cuaderno 73. Irwin and Di Bella, 2018); and (b) Eco-Social Designers, and the exploration of potentially useful “lenses” for developing visions of sustainable futures (Thackara, 2005: 1-8; Lockton and Candy, 2018) and (Cuaderno 87. Di Bella, 2019 : 55-104). The scale of the problems of Design is changing, it moving away off the level of the objects and the things (utilitarian),and of its decorative aspect (styling) since the urgencies and challenges of sustainability -understood in all its dimensions- they are demanding to Design and the Designers, a new approach methodologies that allow us to anticipate better scenarios.


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How to Cite
Di Bella , D. V. (2020). Problematizar el Diseño para comprender su complejidad. 4º Proyecto de la Línea de Investigación Nº4 Diseño en Perspectiva (CMU-UP). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (105).