Metadiseño y Transdiciplina, enfoque para la transformación social y ambiental

  • Lorna Lares
Keywords: Sustainability ; Metadesign ; Transdiscipline ; Transformation ; Climate change


In the current, complex and changing global scenario, the sense of urgency in achieving carbon neutrality, reducing the effects of greenhouse gases and the effects of climate change, are part of the challenges we face, not only because it affects the dependence of human beings of fossil fuels but also because of the way we live, how we organize ourselves as a society and their respective economies. Naomi Klein (2014), expresses it clearly when he says: this changes everything. For science, technology and design, innovation and sustainability are fundamental in the development of a new model, approaches and integral proposals, which provide solutions at different levels and dimensions to implement the structural transformations that the planet and society as a whole you need.


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How to Cite
Lares, L. (2020). Metadiseño y Transdiciplina, enfoque para la transformación social y ambiental. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (105).