La fenomenología de la percepción como estrategia de enseñanzaaprendizaje del proceso proyectual en arquitectura. La cuestión sensorial en las experiencias pedagógicas de diseño

  • Pablo Bianchi
Keywords: phenomenological architecture ; design pedagogy ; perceptual exercises ; architectural project


Phenomenological architecture allows emotions and senses to be incorporated into the design and apprehension of space. From the professional exercise, numerous international referents of the disciplinary field (Zumthor, Tadao Ando, Siza, Miralles, among others) have adhered to these principles, managing to link the sensitive experiences of the effect of light, travel, enjoyment of color and promotion of enduring experiences with the architectural space. In this context, the challenge of thematizing these notions in the teaching of architecture is presented within the second year of the basic cycle of university education, particularly in the project process. It is expected that, in his journey through the subject, the student incorporates to his knowledge the fundamentals of space management and the effects that this can cause on the senses. The practice carried out allows us to demonstrate that, through the “phenomenology of beauty” (Bermúdez, 2009), learning processes are significant (Ausubel, 1983). Based on a series of perceptual exercises that students develop in the face-to-face phase, supported by the audiovisual and photographic resources of a virtual platform, it is proposed to establish the relationship between the phenomenological principles expressed in the workshop and the extent to which they are reflected in the projects of the students.


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How to Cite
Bianchi , P. (2020). La fenomenología de la percepción como estrategia de enseñanzaaprendizaje del proceso proyectual en arquitectura. La cuestión sensorial en las experiencias pedagógicas de diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (109).