Hacia una arquitectura análoga de la música. Principios, lógicas metodológicas y presentación de casos

  • Sebastián Serrani
  • Jimena Escoriaza
Keywords: Architecture ; Music ; Analogies Project procedures


The present article will try to expose a cut of the results of the Investigation “Architecture and Music, IDEA, FAUD UM” by means of the development of Analogies that link to am-bas arts, being the instance of the project where it is emphasized, more precisely at the moment in which the architectural form is created by means of musical parameters, which prefigure a later form or spatiality. The research material, shown here, responds to Final Degree Projects of the Architecture degree. These are based on analogies that allow the transfer of meaning from one field to another, which guide the development of practical work in order to give a new look in the field of project practice and in the teaching of Architecture , understanding it as a discipline that contains in itself (in its cause) other arts.


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How to Cite
Serrani, S., & Escoriaza, J. (2020). Hacia una arquitectura análoga de la música. Principios, lógicas metodológicas y presentación de casos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (109). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi109.4219