El juego consciente en el proceso del pensamiento creativo. Desde las emociones para no dejar de sentir tu ser; por medio del crear/ conectar/ comprender/ construir

  • Édgar Montaño Lozano
Keywords: Active methodologies ; situated teaching ; dialogic learning ; formative game ; create ; connect ; understand ; build


The implementation of the 4C methodological strategy seeks to enhance the creative thinking of individuals from the knowledge of being and its relationship with the environment and, in this way, enrich the culture and generate improvements in the quality of our lives. Throughout history, a large number of theories about creativity have emerged that focus entirely on the individual and study it as a merely psychological phenomenon. However, in 1988, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi published his theory on creativity in which he stated that this is a phenomenon both social and cultural, as well as psychological, which means that creativity occurs from the interaction between the thoughts of a person and a sociocultural context. This theory is based on a fundamental principle: “the results of creativity enrich the culture and thereby indirectly improve the quality of our lives.” In this sense, this paper intends, through the study of the conscious game defined by Johan Huizinga as a foundation and a factor of culture, to enhance emotions from the knowledge of being from the 4C methodological strategy: create connect, understand and build This strategy starts from the individual, from the knowledge of himself and expands towards the relationship with the other and with his surroundings; In this relationship, the creative process and the development of individual competences take place and, in this way, an improvement and an enrichment in the culture is configured. Thus, through the implementation of the methodological strategy, changes are generated individually and collectively.


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How to Cite
Montaño Lozano, Édgar. (2020). El juego consciente en el proceso del pensamiento creativo. Desde las emociones para no dejar de sentir tu ser; por medio del crear/ conectar/ comprender/ construir . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (109). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi109.4222