El recorrido en la arquitectura y ciudad una aproximación desde la crítica y el relato

  • Sebastián Serrani
Keywords: Architecture ; Travel ; Aesthetics of walking


This article intends to investigate the meaning of “Tour” in architecture, the city and the arts. By means of walking the images impregnated in the retina of the common inhabitant, of the user of the container spaces of Architecture, they make each space livable, that each architectural work, and each tour invite to see the Objects from their stories, sensations, events and experiences The line proposed by Francesco Careri is followed in his book “Walking as an Aesthetic Practice” linked to the construction of critical and project knowledge, and thus, the commitment of a phenomenological approach is opened in terms of having a first-person experience of the object … Both as a lived act, as an exercise in writing. This text will be exposed from that perspective: in the first person.


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How to Cite
Serrani , S. (2020). El recorrido en la arquitectura y ciudad una aproximación desde la crítica y el relato. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (109). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi109.4225