ALACINC y la construcción de la identidad latinoamericana en Nueva Zelanda: Un ejercicio de descolonización1

  • Felipe Forero
Keywords: ALACINC ; multiculturalism ; Community Development ; Descolonisation ; Identity ;New Zealand ; Aotearoa ; E Tu Whanau Programme ; Ministry of Social Development


Aotearoa New Zealand is one of the countries where the implementation of multicultural policies have contributed with processes of descolonisation departing from the acknowledgement of bicultural identities as the original fabric or New Zealand Nation-Estate. As a result of migratory policies of last four decades, Aotearoa New Zealand has become in one of the most ethnically diverse country of the world initiating a progressive transition towards a raising multicultural identity. This paper will attempt to depict the role of Aotearoa Latin American Community Incorporated in this process and its efforts to empower Latin American community as a prominent driving force in the construction of new identities through its Community Development Programme and the Travelling Sewing Project, crated by Victoria Martínez Azaro and implemented in collaboration with ALACINC”


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How to Cite
Forero , F. (2020). ALACINC y la construcción de la identidad latinoamericana en Nueva Zelanda: Un ejercicio de descolonización1. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (111).