Discursos de la resistencia. La enunciación a través de la producción textil artesanal de mujeres migrantes

  • Ximena Eliçabe
Keywords: migration; textile art ; discourse ; materiality ; enunciation


This paper is a study of the production of meaning generated from the textile work of different craftswomen who participated in the project Belongings, textile stories of migrant women in the Southern Hemisphere.

Taking into account the systems of representation in the production of images as relations that are established between the discourse, the subject and the historical-social processes, it aims to find in the discursive dimension of the work, as well as in the verbal discourse of its authors, those elements that build two apparently opposite stories. The naive image of the textile collage and embroidery, as opposed to the harsh reality that they have lived to those who made it, narrated by them in interviews on and off the record.


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How to Cite
Eliçabe, X. (2020). Discursos de la resistencia. La enunciación a través de la producción textil artesanal de mujeres migrantes. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (111). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi111.4238