ELEMENTAL ni metafísica ni ornamento (1928-1930)

  • Laura Alemán
Keywords: Bauhaus ; Wiener Kreis ; logical empirism ; reduction ; language


The following text intends to convey the reductive pulse that marks the Bauhaus’ production in its second phase and also the Wiener Kreis’ philosophical approach. It proposes a focus on the brief contact these institutions had at the end of the twenties, in a doctrinaire affinity that is clearly present in the voice of its direct protagonists. In this context, the common proposal of an elementary language appears as a key element of the theoretical weave that –presumably– connects these universes. A common goal that implies, among other things, to cancel a long lasting previous tradition, to kill parents, to impugn ancestors.


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How to Cite
Alemán, L. (2020). ELEMENTAL ni metafísica ni ornamento (1928-1930). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (113). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi113.4246