
  • Fabiola Knop
  • Alejo García de la Cárcova
Keywords: Endogenous development ; Systemic innovation ; Collaborative Design ; Type users ; Local cluster ; Disciplinary deviations ; Inter and multidisciplinary scenarios ; Local, Global


The present volume, the third installment related to the diffuse in the disciplines of object and virtual design, presents a view that is both local and global. The possible inter and multidisciplinary scenarios that have derived, from training to professionalization, of design account for a practice in permanent metamorphosis; watch out for trends, as well as (non) materials and technologies, which are constantly running the imposed limits. In turn, the ramifications of possibilities that the design allows –based on its inbreeding but always in relation with the exogamous– demonstrate how professional practice can be endless; this, from a prospective perspective of multiple possibilities.


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How to Cite
Knop , F., & García de la Cárcova, A. (2020). Prólogo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (115).