Bases y fundamentos para la detección de usuarios tipificados en el Diseño de Comportamiento sostenible del consumidor

  • Elizabeth Retamozo
  • Greta Clinckspoor
  • Carolina Panzone
Keywords: Sustainable Design ; Behavioral design ; Sustainable habits ; Environmental psychology ; Types of users


Design artifacts are considered to hold qualities intrinsic to their projection process which determine the way in which users perceive, appreciate, and employ the objects. For the environmentally sustainable design to consolidate, the evaluation of the subjects’ reactions under different motivations must be consolidated. The aim of this essay is to base, through theoretical-methodological terms, the conceptual definitions of the users which are typified within the Design of sustainable behavior, and which are studied in the context of environmental psychology by conceiving the behavior from different dimensions in order to identify different environmental profiles. Finally, the work averages the deepening of the objective towards a future study, in which the problem is addressed in an extraordinary context, such as a worldwide pandemic.


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How to Cite
Retamozo, E., Clinckspoor, G., & Panzone, C. (2020). Bases y fundamentos para la detección de usuarios tipificados en el Diseño de Comportamiento sostenible del consumidor. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (115).