El objeto de planchar. El Diseño entre la industria y la cultura social. Una reflexión ecosófica

  • Alan Neumarkt
Keywords: Design ; Industry ; Culture ; Ecosophy


The dilemma of Industrial Design is in its origin and in its direct relationship as a cog in the industrial machinery. An analyzed example (the plate) serves as a reference to understand a first cultural phase, a subsequent phase of development and a recent one as a policy of progress, which implies consumption: energy and economic. Seventeen inexplicable centuries without questioning something so elementary.

The profession may try to go towards a path of sustainability, but it must do so in parallel to that of society itself, or it will not have the power to impose itself. We are threatened by our own technology, says Andrew Feenberg. Industrial Design must generate its own response.


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How to Cite
Neumarkt, A. (2020). El objeto de planchar. El Diseño entre la industria y la cultura social. Una reflexión ecosófica. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (115). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi115.4270