#NiUnaMenos en Argentina, comunicación y desafíos del feminismo y más (Primera parte)
Past: Over fifty years old from the French May has passed, and it continues to provoke hopes and anguishes, ghosts, nostalgia and praise. What happened? What was missing for us so that those yearning for change and leaving behind a past of wars, would not finish taking hold and producing that transformation that was intended to be achieved? And the women, what was their role in Argentina while all this was happening? Present: In Argentina, the recognition of women's rights has been reached different achievements, both in legislative matters and in the level of compliance with them, in order to approach international standards of full validity of their rights.
Gargarella, Roberto (1999). Derechos y grupos desaventajados. Barcelona: Gedisa. de Beauvoir, Simone (2016). El segundo sexo Editorial Debolsilo, Argentina.
Femicidio y feminicidio - URL: https://confidencial.com.ni/archivos/articulo/17309/unnuevo-termino-en-la-rae-039-femicidio-039
Plan Nacional de Acción de Derechos Humanos: https://youtu.be/E_elo6RWjqg
Inam- URL: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/inam/plandeaccion
La casa del encuentro: URL: http://www.lacasadelencuentro.org/
URL: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-45091509
URL: greenpeace caso argentino: https://www.pagina12.com.ar/141597-el-efecto-me-toollego-a-la-argentina
URL: https://elpais.com/internacional/2017/12/23/actualidad/1514057371_076739.html
Encuesta IROL: https://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/763015/actualidad/encuesta-asegura70porciento-argentinos-quiere-se-debata-legalizacion-aborto.html
URL: http://www.unidiversidad.com.ar/por-que-se-diferencia-el-metoo-del-niunamenos
URL: http://www.ipsnoticias.net/2018/03/me-too-latinoamericano-no-siempre-se-traducetambien/
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