Prólogo. Visualidades expandidas y narrativas transmediales: derivas de las artes, los lenguajes y los medios

  • Maximiliano de la Puente
  • Laura Vazquez
Keywords: contemporary narratives ; graphics ; language ; image ; mass media


This volume is the result of articles that analyze from and starting with contemporary plastic, visual and videographic arts, in addition to other related practices that dialogue or come into controversy with the regimes of representation proper to modernity, as autonomous and separate disciplines. They are texts that engage in conversations with different aesthetic perspectives and that emphasize various grammars and scopic regimes. What they have in common is that they think about how visuals (plastic, audiovisual, graphic) expand through new screens and spaces ontologically modifying what we understand by visual, cinematographic or any other arts and narratives.



How to Cite
de la Puente , M., & Vazquez, L. (2020). Prólogo. Visualidades expandidas y narrativas transmediales: derivas de las artes, los lenguajes y los medios. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (119).